Victorian Workcover Premiums – Costs are skyrocketing – Let us help you put money back into your pocket.

Over the last couple of months, Victorian businesses have had to fork out thousands of extra dollars to pay for escalating Workcover premiums. Whilst we cannot change the cost of premiums as they are legislated by the Victorian WorkSafe authority, we can conduct a premium review to understand if we can obtain a refund on previous years premiums and / or a saving on this year’s premium.
The process of auditing this data (which involves reviewing remuneration data and Worksafe industry classifications) is laborious and tedious but can reap large rewards in the form of refunds and / or savings. It also means that moving forward, your up-front premium costs will be accurate, and you won’t need to pay more than you have to.
Talk to HRAnywhere about actioning this for you – it is a free service, and you will only incur a cost if we can secure you a refund and / or saving! Recently we secured a refund for one of our clients of $150,000 for the last two years of premiums and they also received a refund of approximately $68,000 on their FY22/23 premium.  In addition to these refunds, their FY23/24 premium will see a large saving.


Proposed changes to casual employment provisions


Does your business have documented safe work practices?